- ”Mutram” monthly magazine for SHGs with circulation of one hundred thousand copies a month
- Conceived and edited “Kuruthu” Child Labour monthly Magazine
- “Uzhaippor Ulagam” monthly Labour magazine
- “Mullai” IAS Association quarterly magazine
- Conceived and edited “ECzITe” e-Governance monthly magazine
- Conceived and edited “ENHANS” Horticulture monthly magazine
- Coffee table book Horticulture
About Me
- Current Position
- Education
- Family
- Entry into IAS
- Positions in Government
- Honorary Positions
- Empanelment
- Innovations
- Awards
- Recognitions
- Papers presented
- Papers published
- Countries visited
- Speaking engagements
- Editor
- Websites created
- Smart phone app created
- Applications developed
- Policies Drafted
- Press Coverage
- Photos
- Videos
- Quotes
- Brands
- Impressions
- Songs
- Instrumental Music