Additional Collector (Development) & Project Officer District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) (1999-02-18 to 2000-07-07) - 1 years, 4 months, 19 days
1. Sanitation
I constituted an informal committee consisting of NGOs, Local Bodyrepresentatives, Doctors and Block officials called SA’N’IP (Sanitation Awareness and Implementation Project”, with the sole intention of drawing up a total sanitation campaign. IN the meantime, the Government announced RCRSP with a reduced subsidy of Rs.50/- only albeit with a higher target. We successfully implemented the programme by sanitation education programmes in villages, house-to- house campaigns, led personally by me. As a result of the enthusiasm generated by these campaigns, we could overachieve the target of 5386 to 8390. The DRD diverted funds for 2213 extra toilets from Tiruvarur district.
DRDA Tiruvallur organized the first State level seminar on the new scheme SGSY on 22.09.1999 at AIEMA Centre, Ambathur. This seminar helped in disseminating the salient features of the new scheme to block staff, Bankers, NGOs, Local Bodies and SHGs.
A district level team consisting o f the Lead District Manager, Lead Bank Officer, Project Officer Mahalir Thittam, a Panchayat President and DRDA officials, successfully worked as a team and implemented innovative ideas. The team prepared the application forms for SGSY, formats for grading SHGs and the methodology for grading SHGS. The formats and methodology were appreciated by the then DRD Mr.Shanmugham IAS as the “Tiruvallur model”. Tiruvallur was also the first to make use of the Agricultural Consultancy & Technical Services wing of the Indian Bank in preparing project reports for SHGs for sanction under SGSY.