Innovation/ Initiatives at Tamil Nadu Medical Plant Farms & Herbal Medicine Corporation Limited ( TAMPCOL ),Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Managing Director (2013-02-19 to 2013-07-24) - 0 years, 5 months, 5 days

  1. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has announced in the floor of Assembly that Rs.2.00 crores will be granted to TAMPCOL towards strengthening infrastructure facilities of factory at Alathur. This was part of the Rs.55.00 cores announced by the Hon’ble Chief Minister under section 110 in the Assembly. PWC was engaged as the Consultant to prepare the plan of action.
  2. There was no approved Service Rules for TAMPCOL. Hence I as MD availed the services of a Consultant to draft a Model Service Rules. Detailed discussions with the committee for the Service Rules were held and finally the Board approved it. Government issued orders on my proposal.
  3. I created a model Herbal Garden in the vacant land adjacent to the Head office of TAMPCOL. The Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare opened the Herbal Garden to the public view on 06.06.2013 in the presence of the Secretary to Government, Health and Family Welfare and the Managing Director of TAMPCOL. Within one month of its inauguration, the Herbal Garden has blossomed a lot and gives an aesthetic look to the campus.
  4. TAMPCOL has a Show Room cum Sales Counter at headquarters. Daily a large number of common public visits the sales counter and they were requesting that ISM Doctors be engaged to give them free consultation on Indian Medicine. Accordingly, free medical consultation room in the headquarters was created and the Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare inaugurated it on 06.06.2013 in the presence of the Secretary to Government, Health and Family Welfare and the Managing Director of TAMPCOL. Now more number of common public are utilizing the services of free medical consultation and the sales at the showroom has increased by 50% over the previous sales figure.
  5. TAMPCOL is supplying 60% of the medicinal requirements of the Commissioner of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, and the balance 40% is procured from outsourcing. In order to centralize the medicinal procurement and to make TAMPCOL as a nodal agency for supply of all ISM medicinal requirements, a detailed proposal was sent to Government to appoint TAMPCOL as nodal procurement agency for all Indian Medicine products, and the Government issued orders making TAMPCOL an optional procurement agency.
  6. In order to increase the sales of TAMPCOL products, I proposed to install a sales counter at Tirunelveli Siddha Medical College. Hence a readymade sales bunkhouse was created and installed at the said college. The sales counter was housed within a model herbal garden. The Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare it dedicated it to the common public.
  7. In order to improve the efficiency and transparency of file management in the TAMPCOL, ERP software was installed through ELCOT.
  8. To strengthen the functioning of tally package installed in the Corporation, an improved ERP software for Tally-9 server version was procured and installed in the Head Quarters. After the installation of the improved version, the processing time in the Tally package has reduced much and more number of persons can login simultaneously.
  9. All Officers and staff at TAMPCOL Alathur have been provided with desktop computers. Now the employees are getting trained to work with the systems.
  10. The showroom cum sales counter at headquarters has been refurbished by installing air conditioners and new doors. Now it gives an elegant look and attracts more number of customers.
  11. In order to bring in efficiency and work culture in the factory, a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) has been established in the factory. Now the Managing Director and General Manager can view the functioning of the factory from the headquarters and the production of medicine can be monitored at any time without going to the factory.
  12. For the first time in the history of the factory, Bio-Metric attendance has been installed both in the headquarters and factory. Now the attendance of all mazdoors has been regulated and efficiency of production has been improved.
  13. We are procuring both raw water and mineral water from the private parties for the preparation of medicine and drinking purpose at factory. In order to reduce the cost of purchase of water, a reverse osmosis (RO Plant) was installed in the factory.
  14. Efforts have been made to strengthen the in-house laboratory at factory by way of renovating the laboratory, providing modern sophisticated equipments, additional manpower etc. Now the efficiency and quality of the in-house lab has improved.
  15. During this period, various measures have been taken to strengthen the infrastructure of the factory by adding new machineries, equipments, buildings etc. Mathan Thailam Shed, Nila Vembu Kudineer Shed, Workers Cycle Stand Shed, RO Plant Shed, Car Shed, Lavatory facilities, etc have been created.
  16. New licenses for Siddha medicines 8 numbers and Ayurveda medicines 12 numbers have been obtained. Necessary preliminary arrangements have been made to produce all the new medicines and prices have also been fixed for the above medicine.
  17. During this period the total value of sales of medicines was Rs.9.69 crore and the sales during the previous year for the same period was Rs.8.94 crore despite there was a huge drop in the value of indents placed by the DSMOs.
  18. The GM, TAMPCOL was appointed the Nodal Officer, Tamil Nadu State Medicinal Plants Board and a brand new office for SMPN created within TAMPCOL.
  19. The Registrar, Anna University, and I signed a Collaboration Agreement on providing R&D and Product Development Support for Traditional Medicine Industry between Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms & Herbal Medicine Corporation Limited (TAMPCOL), A Government of Tamil Nadu Undertaking & The AU-KBC Research Centre, Anna University, Chennai.
  20. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility): As TAMPCOL is a profitable public sector unit, a decision was taken to provide two heavy duty washing machines to the Anna Hospital at a cost of Rs.5.00 lakhs (Inaugurated by the Hon’ble Health Minister on 6/6/2013) and also take up the responsibility of keeping the AAIGHM Campus clean and secure at a cost of about Rs.3.16 lakhs per month, till an alternate solution was arrived at by the TNMSC which is in progress.
  21. Website for Indian Medicine & Homeopathy ( As per the approval of the Board of TAMPCOL, Rs.5.00 lakhs was spent towards the creation of a website for the Directorate of Indian Medicine & Homeopathy and Tampcol.