- Citizens should not see Government; rather they should be able to feel Government.
- The internet should be the major interface between Government and Citizens
- E-Governance should be able to minimise Citizen-Government office interaction and maximise Citizen-Government interaction
- Corruption is like AIDS; short term pleasure and long term pain
- Only leadership embedded in integrity and selflessness, with the ability to innovate in the governance process, can take India to prosperity
- There are only two things that we do in Government; policy making and providing services, and in both we stumble, because we use 17th century methods…
- A girl should complete college education and become an economically independent woman, and only then marry. There is a greater chance that she will be an equal partner to her husband
- Never be a taker; always, always be a giver.
- For me, being human means being able to be friendly, empathetic, with a person however high or low his station in life is, irrespective of gender, caste, creed, religion, nationality, ideology etc
- Don’t take your work home or home to work
About Me
- Current Position
- Education
- Family
- Entry into IAS
- Positions in Government
- Honorary Positions
- Empanelment
- Innovations
- Awards
- Recognitions
- Papers presented
- Papers published
- Countries visited
- Speaking engagements
- Editor
- Websites created
- Smart phone app created
- Applications developed
- Policies Drafted
- Press Coverage
- Photos
- Videos
- Quotes
- Brands
- Impressions
- Songs
- Instrumental Music